Social Justice

“Whatsoever you do to the least of my brethren, you do it to Me. “ –Matthew 25:40.

At St. Bernard Catholic Church we practice the principles of social justice with a variety of ministries which strive to enhance the life and dignity of the human person.

Catholic Campaign for Human Development
The CCHD collection is taken each year to support community-based solutions which aim to break the cycle of poverty for good through. CCHD supports self-sufficiency and self-determination as the best strategies for change. The CCHD special collection is normally taken up in November.

Southwest Carver Food Shelf

The Southwest Carver Food Shelf is located in Norwood Young America. St. Bernard Catholic Church supports the food shelf in a variety of ways through out the year. St. Bernard maintains a food drop area in the church throughout the year. During the month of November volunteers from St. Bernards staff the food shelf and we also take up a special Thanksgiving collection of food and monetary donations for the food shelf. Please contact the Parish Council President if you are interested in volunteering for this important ministry.


St. Bernard Catholic Church supports various missions throughout the year by hosting a mission priest to share their experiences. Second collections are taken up at the mass and sent along to assist with our brothers and sisters in Christ in needy parts of the world.

Mitten Tree

The Mitten Tree is a social justice project whereby mittens are knitted or purchased by members of the parish and brought to church to decorate a tree in the Narthex of the church during Advent. All donations are then wrapped and given to the Family Place – an overflow homeless shelter.

Sharing & Caring Hands

Sharing and Caring Hands is a compassionate response to the needs of the poor – a safety net organization to help with whatever needs are not being met. This includes but is not limited to providing meals, clothing, showers, shelter, transportation help, rent deposits, rent help, medical assistance, dental care, furniture, school expenses, funeral assistance, annd other miscellaneous needs. St. Bernard Catholic Church has been a supporter of Sharing and Caring Hands since their early days by organizing special collections and organizing volunteers to put together and serve meals to the poor at Sharing & Caring Hands. For more information about Sharing & Caring Hands – click here.

Special Relief Collections

St. Bernard Catholic Church also lends a helping hand to those devastated by natural disasters. These second collections are yet another way that we help our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ during a great time of need. Tsunami Relief, Hurricane Katrina Relief, and local Tornado Relief are just a few that we have assisted with.